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New posts in x86

Can out-of-order execution lead to speculative memory accesses?

How to replace the return address on the stack using a buffer overflow attack

How many cycle does need for put a data into SIMD register?

x86 sse simd

How to interpret x86 opcode map?

assembly x86 machine-code

How can I JMP to relocated code in my MBR?

x86 assembly works on which CPUs?

assembly x86 nasm x86-64 masm

Intel x86 - Interrupt Service Routine responsibility

Does x86 have an atomic increment that keeps the value that was stored?

assembly x86 atomic

x86 assembly, little endianness not being followed(or is it?) (Linux)

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Moving a single float to a xmm register

c++ gcc x86 sse simd

Assembly Division [duplicate]

assembly x86 division

What is the difference between jmp and ja?

assembly x86

What does "jb" signify if preceded by an "add" command?

An efficient way to do basic 128 bit integer calculations in C++?

Linking an assembler program: error "undefined reference to `printf'"

How do I make space for my code cave in a Windows PE 32bit executable

What is the GS register used for on Windows? [duplicate]

windows assembly x86

How to add an AVX2 vector horizontally 3 by 3?

c x86 simd intrinsics avx2

Are x86 Assembly Mnemonic standarized?

Convert object file to another architecture

linux x86 arm cpu-architecture