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How do I suppress ICE errors from merge modules

wix wix3.5

How do I distinguish between a normal install and an upgrade in WIX?

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WiX: Mysterious and hard-to-diagnose ICE validation errors on build server build

WiX Proper Creation of Desktop Shortcut

WiX installer that always installs to "Program Files" directory on both x86 and x64

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WiX - how to create bin subdirectory?

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WiX MajorUpgrade of Windows Service, preserving .config, and avoiding a reboot

WIX run vcredist_x64.exe on install

Automated release script and Visual Studio Setup projects

netsh http add urlacl problem

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Wix RegistrySearch on multiple places


C# custom action in Wix

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How do you determine if a WiX installer is quiet or interactive?

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How do I fix WiX warning: Component 'X' has both per-user and per-machine data with an HKCU Registry KeyPath


WiX build warning: The Media table has no entries

What exactly does the `-arch` argument on the `candle` command line do?


How to generate consistent GUID using wix harvest tool

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How to create MSI installer for ASP.NET Core application using Wix Toolset

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Passing command line args to MSI from WiX bundle

How to add net.tcp to the "Enabled protocols" by using a WIX 3.5 project/setup?