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Cannot register DLL using WiX

dll com wix wix3.5

WiX unresolved reference to symbol media 1 in section fragment

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Best way to create a wix fragment file based on User-defined directories to be used in MSBUILD

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How to use CustomAction in WIX Bundle?

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Install a pfx certificate in a users store in Windows using WiX

How to extract data (file count) from MSI "File" Table

WiX - Install Windows Service and give permissions

Why do my MSI images look corrupted when using WiX?

image wix windows-installer

Why does the UAC dialog take a long time to be displayed?

How do you copy a set of files to multiple places using Wix?

wix windows-installer

Are there any books on WiX? [closed]

wix windows-installer

How to create a Wix Exepackage that only has a download link

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How to prevent Wix from removing registry entries on uninstall?

windows wix wix3.5

WiX ServiceInstall - setting the service to run as the current windows user

wix serviceinstall

How do I detect the currently installed features during a MajorUpgrade using WiX Burn MBA Bundles?

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Conditional installation with Wix

WIX: How to register an Application to a URL Protocol?

url wix protocols wix3.5

Dynamically create WIX files without having to edit the wix files manually

windows automation wix wix3

How can I change the font colour and type of a string in WiX in one of the standard dialogs?

wix wix3

Conditionally set single WiX Property to different values

wix windows-installer