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How to do registration-free COM in a plug-in architecture

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Installing WiX 3.5 alongside WiX 3.0

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"Service failed to start - Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services"

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How can I get the return code from a CustomAction?

Wix install path registry value assignment - what is wrong?

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WiX: How can I set a property externally?

Prevent services from losing settings on major upgrade in WiX

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Cannot add reference to WixUIExtension.dll, WixUtilExtension.dll and WixNetFxExtension.dll from Visual Studio 2008

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WiX custom action using CAQuietExec fails with invalid command line error

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Wix major upgrade, replace files regardless of newer file version

WiX installer: Product End User Agreement shows dummy text

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Binding WIX FileVersion sub values?


In my WiX-based MSI project, why does ICE24 tell me '2014.1.1.4' is an invalid version string?

Visual Studio build not using Active Solution Configuration with WiX Project

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Custom Action execution by feature

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Enable or disable the next button based on a live text control value in Wix? [duplicate]

Creating application data during setup


Can a .msi file install itself (presumably via a Custom Action)?

wix windows-installer

How do I require a value in a textbox in a Wix custom dialog?


Why does the MSI installer reconfigure if I delete a file?