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Cannot add reference to WixUIExtension.dll, WixUtilExtension.dll and WixNetFxExtension.dll from Visual Studio 2008

I am using WiX 3.7 with Visual Studio 2008, and I am trying to add a reference to few WiX DLL files so that I can work with a UI in my installation. However, I get the following error for each of the following files that I add a reference to:

  • WixUIExtension.dll
  • WixUtilExtension.dll
  • WixNetFxExtension.dll

A reference to C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.7\WixNetFxExtension.dll could not be added. Please make sure that the file is accessible, and that it is a valid WiX reference.

Also, before I started thinking about moving to a UI based interface, there was no issue with the WiX installer that I am creating; it compiles and installs absolutely fine.

Please note that I am able to add reference to the same files in Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2010.

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Vaibhav Pingle Avatar asked May 13 '13 21:05

Vaibhav Pingle

2 Answers

I found a workaround: Unload the WiX project and modify the project file manually to add references to the required files. I should have done that earlier... Duhh!!

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Vaibhav Pingle Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 11:10

Vaibhav Pingle

I also had problems after updating from a 2.x version of WiX to 3.7. After getting the above error message for my project, I added the lost section from my previous SVN revison with the full path like so

    <WixExtension Include="WixUIExtension">
      <HintPath>C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.7\bin\WixUIExtension.dll</HintPath>

Same answers as Vaibinewbee answer but with added code, then the project loaded and built just fine.

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Simeon Pilgrim Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 11:10

Simeon Pilgrim