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Can a .msi file install itself (presumably via a Custom Action)?

I wand to construct an MSI which, in its installation process, will deploy itself along with its contained Files/Components, to the TargetDir.

So MyApp.msi contains MyApp.exe and MyAppBootstrapperEmpty.exe (with no resources) in its File Table.

The user launches a MyAppBootstrapperPackaged.exe (containing MyApp.msi as a resource, obtained from the internet somewhere, or email or otherwise). MyAppBootStrapperPackaged.exe extracts MyApp.msi to a temp folder and executes it via msiexec.exe.

After the msiexec.exe process completes, I want MyApp.msi, MyBootstrapperEmpty.exe (AND MyApp.exe in %ProgramFiles%\MyApp folder so MyApp.exe can be assured access to MyApp.msi when it runs (for creating the below-mentioned packaged content).

MyAppBootstrapper*.exe could try and copy MyApp.msi to %ProgramFiles%\MyApp folder, but would need elevation to do so, and would not allow for its removal via Windows Installer uninstall process (from Add/Remove Programs or otherwise), which should be preserved.

Obviously (I think it's obvious - am I wrong?) I can't include the MSI as a file in my Media/CAB (chicken and egg scenario), so I believe it would have to be done via a Custom Action before the install process, adding the original MSI to the MSI DB's Media/CAB and the appropriate entry in the File table on the fly. Can this be done and if so how?

Think of a content distribution model where content files are only ever to be distributed together with the App. Content is produced by the end user via the App at run time, and packaged into a distributable EXE which includes both the App and the content.

MyApp's installer must remain an MSI, but may be executed by a Bootstrapper EXE. The installed MyApp.exe must have access to both MyApp.msi and EXE is to be "assembled" at runtime by the App from a base (empty) MyAppBootstrapper.exe, which is also installed by the MSI, and the content created by the end-user. The EXE's resource MSI must be the same as that used to install the App which is doing the runtime packaging.

WIX is not to be installed with MyApp.

There can be no network dependencies at run-/packaging- time (i.e. can't do the packaging via a Webservice - must be done locally).

I am familiar with (and using) Custom Actions (managed and unmanaged, via DTF and otherwise).

like image 606
Tim Erickson Avatar asked Sep 17 '08 21:09

Tim Erickson

People also ask

What is MSI custom action?

The custom actions are the actions that can be performed together with the MSI package install and/or uninstall process. They can be used, for example, to prepare the system for installation of the package, to check prerequisites, to start the application on installation completion, etc.

How do I customize an MSI installer?

Similar to Orca, to edit your MSI package, right-click it and select “Open with Advanced Installer”. Once the MSI database has loaded in Advanced Installer, you will notice a left menu pane where you will find all the options you need to directly edit your MSI.

How does MSI installer work?

It's used by some versions of Windows when installing updates from Windows Update, as well as by other installer tools. An MSI file holds all the information necessary for installing the software, including the files that should be installed and where on the computer those files should be installed to.

1 Answers

Add an uncompressed medium to your wxs like this:

<Media Id='2'/>

And then create a component with a File element like this:

<File Source='/path/to/myinstaller.msi' Compressed='no' DiskId='2' />

This will make the installer look for a file called "myinstaller.msi" on the installation medium, in the same folder as the msi that is being installed. The source path above should point to a dummy file, it is only there to appease wix.

Edit: The following sample test.wxs demonstrates that it works. It produces a test.msi file which installs itself to c:\program files\test. Note that you need to put a dummy test.msi file in the same folder as text.wxs to appease wix.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<Wix xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi'>
         Manufacturer='ManufacturerName' >
            Description='Installer which installs itself'

      <Media Id='1' Cabinet='test.cab' EmbedCab='yes'/> 
      <Media Id='2' /> 

      <Directory Id='TARGETDIR' Name="SourceDir">
         <Directory Id='ProgramFilesFolder'>
            <Directory Id='TestFolder' Name='Test' >
               <Component Id="InstallMyself">
                  <File Source="./test.msi" Compressed="no" DiskId="2" />

            Title='Copy msi file to program files folder'

         <ComponentRef Id="InstallMyself" />

like image 82
Wim Coenen Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 07:10

Wim Coenen