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New posts in windows-runtime

MdilXapCompile.exe failed with error code 2001

c# windows-runtime

Windows 8 ListView with horizontal item flow

How can I make Groups in a Metro GridView use different Layouts?

Better way to show error messages in async methods

What/Why does WinRT Create New Clean Layout Randomly

Class not registered exception when calling a WinRT compontent after migrating to VS2013.4

VariableSizedWrapGrid and WrapGrid children size measuring

What is the best way to concatenate two Windows Runtime Buffers?

c# windows-runtime

Binding to the IsSelected property of the parent ListViewItem

Dynamically displaying Items using FlipView and DataTemplateSelector in WinRT

c# .net wpf xaml windows-runtime

Does C++/CX detect and solve cycles of objects?

Exception when reading text from the file using FileIO.ReadTextAsync

How do we set Timers in WinRT app?

Do Metro controls reuse the same codepath at low level even if controls are created from HTML/JS or XAML?

Windows 8 theme color - accessing it programmatically

How do I set an element's class using data-win-bind

Can the ARM version of Windows 8 only run Metro (WinRt) style apps?

How to declare and link to RoInitialize,RoUninitialize,RoGetActivationFactory and HSTRING Functions in Mingw Gcc

Check if a file exists in the project in WinRT