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New posts in windows-runtime

Unable to load DLL 'sqlite3' in SQLite Net Platform WinRT

c# sqlite windows-runtime

Reactive Extensions: Process events in batches + add delay between every batch

How to close a Windows Phone 8.1 app

Path Geometry Clipping Equvalent in WinRT

ResourceMap not found error when referencing a resource file within a portable class library

Best way to achieve underlined hyperlink on Windows Store apps?

Get the current thread id on Windows 8 with C#

RunAsync - How do I await the completion of work on the UI thread?

Windows Phone 8.1 (WinRT): Custom Looping Selector

Why do WinRT framework assemblies have the same fully qualified name as their (different) non-WinRT counterparts?

Determine metro app is running in Windows 8 tab or Desktop PC

Unhandled exception handler not called for Metro / WinRT UI async void event handler

Pull down to refresh in Windows Phone 8.1

Exception when trying to read null string in C# WinRT component from WinJS

c# windows-runtime winjs

how to delete page from navigation stack - c# windows 8

Metro Tile Notifications in C#

How can I start a Windows App Background Task immediately after registering it?

Difference between Metro Apps written in HTML/CSS/JS vs XAML/C#

Why is it said that WinRT replaces the Windows API

What cryptographically secure options are there for creating random numbers in WinRT?