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New posts in windows-runtime

RaiseCanExecuteChanged COM Exception during Navigation?

How do I find the reason EETypeLoadException was thrown?

c# c++ .net windows-runtime

How do I debug websites in IE10 on Win8 under Metro?

Handling 2, 3, 4, 5 Fingers Tapped, DoubleTap & Holding Gestures in WinRT App

c# .net vb.net windows-runtime

Single NuGet Package Containing x86 ARM x64 binaries

Change App language at RunTime on-the-fly

F# WinRT Benefits

Clipboard content of closed Windows Universal App

Make MediaElement support more video codecs

Debug.Assert(false) does not trigger in win8 Metro apps

Windows 8 CollectionViewSource ObservableCollection Binding Not Updating

Referencing C Dlls from Windows 10 Universal App Across CPU Architectures

How can I compile sqlite for WinRT / ARM?

How can I disable portrait mode in Windows 8?

Attempting to deserialize an object using JSON.NET in Windows 10 Universal App fails with FileNotFoundException

How to add text to Clipboard in Windows Phone Runtime?

Can C++/CX simplify my (non-WinRT) WPF application?

c# wpf windows-runtime c++-cx

how to calculate the textbock height and width in on load if i create textblock from code?

Getting all classes that implement a given interface in WinRT