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New posts in windows-phone-8

Strange behavior of ListView with WrapGrid in Windows Phone 8.1 XAML

Compile MeteorJS app to WindowsPhone

Windows Phone 8: Monitoring memory usage in mixed C#/C++

Strange version shown for a Windows Phone 8.1 XAML app

Is it possible to perform multiple transactions with an NFC tag or device? (i.e. read more than once)

Speech recognition in Windows Phone 8

Windows Phone 7 and 8 with PhoneGap + Angular dies during bootstrapping

Windows Phone 8 emulator runs from Hyper-V, but I can't debug from Visual Studio

Extra characters in XML file after XDocument Save

Lag when changing color of button border on WP8

My Windows Phone app Get empty response (404 Not Found) Scond time, work's great first time;And always work fine if without SSL

How to display flatlist using LongListSelector phone control of WP8

"Installation of the application failed. Run time error has eccured. Fix the capabilities in WMAppManifest.xml file."

c# windows-phone-8

WP8 set preview resolution

Windows Phone 8 lens augmented reality

SOAP Service Reference in Windows Phone 8.1 Universal app

Keyboard overlaps textbox

How does INotifyPropertyChanging interface helps limit memory consumption

What is System.Windows.ni.dll?

Windows Phone 8 tile doesn't show correct image
