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Is MVVM itself a Observer pattern?

Retrieving crash-dump from Windows Phone 8 devices

Site icon on WP8 homescreen


Windows Phone 8 - Localization not working

jquery mobile position fixed in windows phone 8 and viewport height

How to access downloads folder in windows phone 8.1

Difference between Windows 8, Windows 8 RT, Windows Phone 8

windows-phone-8 windows-8

HttpClient response not get refresh

How to get a content from Windows Phone webview control

DataTemplate not able to resolve DataType prefix data

How can you use Fiddler (or equivalent) with the emulator in the Windows Phone 8 SDK when on a domain/network that uses IPSEC?

windows 8 phone development possible under windows 7?

Windows Phone 8 : "The drive cannot locate a specific area or track on the disk."

how to play audio through earpiece only in windows phone 8 application

Overriding WP8 Navigation - crash in PhoneApplicationPage

Internal Server Error when doing a POST with HttpClient in Windows Phone 8

SVGs not showing in Windows Phone 8 Phonegap app

Confustion in Concept of MVVM

Strange results in AutoSuggestBox in Windows Phone 8.1

API to get the friendly name of your Windows Phone 8 device?