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New posts in win-universal-app

Visual Studio 2015: Unable to create universal application

Error using using RenderTargetBitmap in UWP

Windows 10 (UWP) Coded UI

Decode Audio using MediaStreamSource

UWP Catch List View Scroll Event

P/Invoke warnings when building a UWP app with SQLite

How to disable Task Parallel Library's ETW EventSource in a Universal App?

Multiple language support in Universal App

FolderPicker does not work in UWP Windows 10 app (mobile)

How do I detect that the Windows Mobile transitioned to continuum mode?

How to change Wallpaper fit for UWP?


Can i use Google Maps on my Windows 10 (UWP) Apps

Adding BasedOn Style on App.xaml is crashing on App() { InitializeComponent(); }

UWP 10 RenderTargetBitmap a cropped area of UIElement in UWP 10

No installed components were detected. Cannot resolve TargetName HighContrastBorder - UWP Windows 10

How do I write a custom picker control in UWP?

Windows UWP Extended splash screen image rendering incorrectly on mobile

xaml win-universal-app

Global HotKey in Universal Windows App

Spelling libraries (like hunspell) in UWP Applications?

How do you show the loading animation for windows phone 8.1 universal store apps?