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Can I make a video-stream not downloadable (by using tricks inside the code) [duplicate]

how do i call webservice from MVC3 Razor Controller?

Calling a webservice from C# and sending unescaped xml

How to Submit Deeply Nested Resource using Restful APIs (HATEOAS)

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XML Error when calling web service

xml web-services namespaces

Remove outbound unused namespaces from soap body message

NetSuite Selecting a value in a Custom List for a SelectCustomFieldRef in C# using web-services

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Using New Relic in Xamarin to track web service requests

Getting Unable to read WSDL error

which client is best HttpURLConnection or HttpClient in android?

php android json web-services

Running synchronous methods in a web service

Websphere 7 error: A WSDL Definition could not be generated for the implementation class

change the soap:address location in generated wsdl

WCF web service discovery on network interfaces with multiple IP addresses

org.apache.axis2.AxisFault connection refused

How to make serve with more threads with Hunchentoot

Is OData a good way to expose non-CRUD APIs?

Web Service Windows Phone 7 (405) Method Not Allowed

WSIT Metro version 2.3 WSRM1124 error

trying to test UPS "Quantum" interface - The XML document is not well formed

php xml web-services ups