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New posts in coldfusion-8

how to send test request to usps test server to access ZipCodeLookup API?

xml request coldfusion-8

Using BETWEEN on a varchar field not a numeric field?

Insert a Coldfusion struct into a database

In ColdFusion 8, can you declare a function as private using cfscript?

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Why does Coldfusion evaluate these numbers to not be equal?

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PHP mcrypt to ColdFusion decrypt

Getting Unable to read WSDL error

How can I determine if a file upload is a valid CSV file - or at least text - in ColdFusion 8?

Could not find the ColdFusion Component that exists

Coldfusion not converting accented text or MS Word chars

Translate session from CFScript to ColdFusion tag syntax

Why is a ColdFusion SESSION variable "undefined" after being referenced a few lines before?

Check for live Data Source Name Before proceeding

Using cachedwithin attribute inside cfquery

cfc remote method result wrapped up in wddxpacket

Can I install coldfusion 9 and coldfusion 8 on the same server?

Determining if a string is not null/blank and is a number and not 0?

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ColdFusion cfcase statements and referencing their variables?

Tackling Null Values while Inserting data in data base