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New posts in java-metro-framework

javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: Unable to create JAXBContext

Metro configuration is inaccessible in Java SE 8

Using WS-Security with JAX-WS

Weblogic webservice clients.(clean references)

WSIT Metro version 2.3 WSRM1124 error

Metro client hangs when calling WCF webserver with wsHttpBinding

Windows Phone 7 Styles on Desktop app

JAXWS - help required to set WSDL request timeout

How to log SOAP messages which are sent by Metro stack

Error occurred while buffering incoming SOAP message using Metro client

How to set custom JAXBContext

Is it worthwhile to use Metro UI in a new WPF project?

ClassCastException while sending soap request

JAX-WS endpoint only partially escaping XML String

Get Url of endpoint using on a handler (JAX-WS)

WSServlet ClassNotFoundException error on Tomcat 7.0.11 using Metro 2.1

How can I configure the target namespace globally in JAX-WS web services?

Using Glassfish libraries in proprietary software [closed]

Metro-like theme for WPF [closed]