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New posts in java-metro-framework

Generating Metro Client Using Local WSDL File

How to pick CXF over Metro on Glassfish

Java web service without a web application server

How to use @Resource WebServiceContext injection with Spring's @Transactional

Java: JAXB and using char

Tomcat occasionally returns a response without HTTP headers

Override JAX-WS version used by Weblogic 10 - Dynamic WSDL with inline schemas

Comparison between Sun Metro and Apache CXF for webservices development?

WSContext.getUserPrincipal() returns null for password digest authentication

Issues with Impersonating a WCF Secure Web Server using Glassfish / Metro

JAX-WS Consuming web service with WS-Security and WS-Addressing

Why does JAXB 2 RI's XJC simple mode change collection names?

How to change JAVAX-WS Endpoint binding to SOAP 1.2?

JAXB marshals XML differently to OutputStream vs. StringWriter

JAXBContext.newInstance memory leak

Webservice - client service instantiation

JAX-WS Implementation included with Java?

Policy for signing and encrypting

What are the impacts of setting establishSecurityContext="False" if i use https?

Metro vs Java's JAX-WS?