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Generate webservice from WSDL with Document/literal format

How To Sign WCF Message With Certificate Using HTTPS Transport with Client Certificate

.net wcf web-services ssl

How to show marathi text in Android coming from webservice

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mono shell execute

How can I set the CNAME record on network solutions for my heroku app?

web-services heroku dns

generic soap client tool [closed]

How to invoke a Web Service using Java

Webhook callback security

how to secure apache cxf webservice(jax-ws) using oAuth 2.0

WCF Not Deserializing. Why is my parameter NULL?

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The https URL hostname does not match the Common Name (CN) on the server certificate

java web-services

Facebook authentication for JSON service with android application

Web Service Proxy Generator In PHP Environment

GRAILS - web service client using client certificate

java web-services grails ssl

Symfony2 authenticating users through a webservice

How to access files within a JAX-RS web service directory by specifying their URL?

HttpTransportSe.call() method taking up to a minute for web service call

Naming RESTful paths

c# java web-services

Best practices in iOS for polling a webservice about task completion

Obtaining "MessageBodyWriter not found for media type=application/json" trying to send JSON object through JAX-RS web service