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watchOS 3.0 detect crown rotation in SpriteKit

How can I play a custom sound in WatchOS 3 that will playback on the watch speakers

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WKWatchConnectivityRefreshBackgroundTask is never triggered in background, but WKSnapshotRefreshBackgroundTask

Type 'UIViewController' does not conform to protocol 'WCSessionDelegate'

watch OS3 , UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities issue during ITC review

TouchEvents in watchOS 3 SpriteKit?

How to build a Workout app on WatchOS with audio feedback?

watchOS Complications deep link to a page in the app

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In apple iWatch background task is not getting called or triggering with schedule time

How to open a watch app from parent iOS app?

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WatchOS3 Complication that launches App

Is alternative icon available for watchOS?

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Swift3: Empty fetch when accessing Core Data from Watch Extension via AppGroups

Live Heart Rate in watchOS 3

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Local Notification in WatchOS 3

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WKURLSessionRefreshBackgroundTask isn't called when attempting to do background refreshes in watchOS