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Difference between the "Proposed Recommendation" and the "Candidate Recommendation"

html w3c

Web Site Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) [closed]

CSS Error: Expected ':' but found '/'. Declaration dropped. Line: 0

background shorthand order in CSS3

html css w3c

Is it ok to use cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" in <table>?

css xhtml w3c semantic-markup

Is there a browser-compatibility deprecation table for CSS3 vendor prefixes? [closed]

w3c css

Is it true that newsletters in HTML should have a "table-based" layouts?

html css w3c newsletter

HTML and displaying of <img/> element

html web-applications jpeg w3c

Why does 'x-www-form-urlencoded' begin with 'x-www', when other standard content types do not?

How does ::selection's specificity work against type selectors?

What is the default width of an HTML table cell <td>?

css html html-table w3c

CSS pointer-events and appearance properties not recognized by CSS Validator

css w3c css-validator

Allowed HTML 4.01 id values regex

regex attributes w3c

What is the limit of character to use in alt="text" according to WCAG 2.0?

css xhtml accessibility w3c wcag

HGROUP element removed from the HTML5 Specification. What alternative technique can be used instead?

DTD with RFDa and XHTML 1.0 Transitional support

Why can you use new Image but not new Div or new Span?

javascript html w3c

Closing tag with ID property

Why does the Promise constructor need an executor?

W3C validator says 'feed does not validate' 'url must be a full URL'... whats wrong with it?

url rss w3c w3c-validation rfc