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New posts in vulkan

Automatically compile OpenGL Shaders for Vulkan

opengl glsl vulkan spir-v

Is Vulkan's VkMemoryHeapFlagBits missing values?

memory enumeration vulkan

Should one minimize the number of command pools an application creates?


Is it possible to wait for a transfer from the staging buffer to complete without calling vkQueueWaitIdle

c++ vulkan

Vulkan WaW hazard & memory barrier

vulkan gpu memory-barriers

Why doesn't the Vulkan spec define VkDeviceSize?


Can graphics and present queues really be different?


Are atomic float operations in shaders supported with Vulkan?

glsl nvidia vulkan

Vulkan validation warning catch-22 about VK_KHR_portability_subset on MoltenVK

vulkan moltenvk

How to use glslang

c++ glsl shader vulkan spir-v

vulkan extension : which are supported by whom?


A rarely mentioned Vulkan function "vkCmdUpdateBuffer()", what is it used for?


Transferring memory from GPU to CPU with Vulkan and vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges synchronization?


Why does vkAcquireNextImageKHR() never block my thread?

What is the DirectX 12 equivalent of Vulkan's "transient attachment"?

vulkan directx-12

Why is a single depth buffer sufficient for this vulkan swapchain render loop?

graphics 3d vulkan

How to correctly use decriptor sets for multiple interleaving buffers?


How can one not make assumptions about C++ struct layouts?

c++ struct vulkan structlayout

Why is VkShaderStageFlagBits a bitmask?

Why some commands can be recorded only outside of a render pass?
