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New posts in visual-studio-2017

Visual Studio 2015/17 Indentation Lines Color

vs2017 Migration failed, ArgumentNullException

Visual Studio 2017 XAML Designer Has No Syntax Highlighting

Where is Class Diagram on Visual Studio 2017 community edition

Hide TODO tag in Visual Studio Task List

Xamarin.iOS build error MSB4096: "ReferenceCopyLocalPaths" does not define a value for metadata "ResolvedFrom"

warning C4661:no suitable definition provided for explicit template instantiation request

Missing folders in custom Visual Studio project template

Why do I get a "SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier" error when I use the Node.js Interactive Window in Visual Studio 2017?

How To Enable CodeLens in Visual Studio 2017 Mac Professional

Track System.Diagnostics.Trace logs in Azure portal

Visual Studio database schema compare is very slow

Get Visual Studio 2017 to work with ssh-agent / ssh-add for git

git ssh visual-studio-2017

How to get path to signtool.exe with Visual Studio 2017 installed

VS2017 MSBuild autodetection takes MSBuild/v14 instead of v15 for WPF project

How to create MVC project in visual studio 2017?

code execution cannot proceed because cpprest_2_10.dll was not found

How to skip the Debug Assertion Failed and break directly in Visual Studio

Is VS picking the wrong specialisation? Why?

The program '[12604] iisexpress.exe' has exited with code 0 (0x0)