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New posts in visual-studio-2012

What RGB values should I set for a transparent pixel in a .PNG file?

visual-studio-2012 png

Is there any features removed or missing from visual studio 2013 compared to visual studio 2012

Visual Studio 2012 ExtJS IntelliSense

How do I delete the generated function from accidentally double clicking on a button? [duplicate]

How can i build project in visual studio 2012 on both way(dll and lib) together

Compilation of detours on vs2012 (Windows 8.1)

Setting debug start external program option to an executable of a class library in visual studio

error : Element <EnableEnhancedInstructionSet> has an invalid value of "NoExtensions"

"Access to the Registry Key Denied" when building a .NET DLL for COM Interop

Don't have intellisense in axml Xamarin

How to run Dart code from Visual Studio?

Access denied occurs in visual studio installation process

C# project: how to update referenced assembly version

Git with Visual Studio Source Control Explorer available yet?

visual-studio-2012 github

Word VSTO 4.0 Addin fails to load: Could not load file or assembly

Is it possible to assign a shortcut to "Step Into Specific" in Visual Studio 2012 C++?

c++ can a temporary lambda be passed by reference (works on msvc/windows but not gcc/linux)?

What are all the new HTML document types in VS 2012 RC?

How to hide Typemock Auto-Runner's shields that are all over the Visual Studio editor?

vb.net Launch application inside a form