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New posts in visual-studio-2010

Visual studio redistributable & side-by-side / DependentAssembly error

visual-studio-2010 sxs

How to Create a DLL file in Visual Studio C# 2010 Express edition?

c# visual-studio-2010 dll

VSTO Excel Add-In with Visual Studio Express

ntdll.dll [Frames below may be incorrect /missing, no symbols loaded for ntdll.dll]

Automatic Clean-Up of Code in Visual Studio 2010

Prevent code from running only in visual studio designer

Not equal/not contains operation in lambda expressions

Compare and delete datatable row using C#:

GroupBox not in toolbox

Web.Config Transformation in VS2010

Visual Studio 2010 Extension Manager crashes

Dreamweaver CS5 Auto-Format source code like in VS2010 CTRL+K, CTRL+D?

Web deployment: Exclude directories depending on Project Configuration name

So what's the deal with F#, now that it's been open-sourced? [closed]

Resize a bitmap like MS Paint - no antialiasing

c# visual-studio-2010

System.Data.SQLite not found on non-development PC

Compiling Lua 5.2 alpha under VS2010

visual-studio-2010 lua

Need a real time, automatic, background compiler and test runner for C# .Net

Putting Stack Panels side by side

wpf visual-studio-2010 xaml

KnockoutJs and Templates - No code highlighting / completion in visual studio?