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Auto insert a closing brace putting the cursor between the braces in Vim

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Get colors using Mac OS X terminal when editing source code in remote linux machines

vim macos

Vim: Call an ex command (set) from function?

vim function set ex

Can't get "syntax on" to work in my gvim

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Backspace, if chars from cursor to begin of line are tabs/spaces, go back one indent level

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NERDTree vim plugin, trying to add file without success

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ctags and Fortran's interfaces

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question about regex in Vim

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vim: add comment macros


Any way to provide Eclipse auto error-discovery feature in Vim/Emacs?

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Open before opened buffer in vertical window in vim


VIM 7: How to navigate the code source tree from the root of the code base, in an efficient manner?


How to completely turn off vim's abilty to recode files?

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Matching single or double quoted strings in Vim

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Vim syntax file: Adding certain characters to iskeyword isn't working

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vim: run some code every time a buffer changes


How can I stop VI from overlapping and hiding the last page of command line output?

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remove newlines from a register in vim?

Using vim's make command with a makefile that runs make on subdirectories

vim makefile

why does Vim use Bash indenting rules even when filetype is unset?
