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site-wide search and replace vim cdo no buffers

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regex containing all specific character combination in vim

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Send visual block to external command


Copy/Paste from/to clipboard in vim stopped working [duplicate]


vim - navigating characters in command mode


How to make Brew install Vim with +clipboard?

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Mapping Ctrl+[ and Ctrl+] to move between buffers in Vim


Vim (window-resize): how do I easily make the windows equally high for only one column?

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Replace all strings except the parenthesis part in vim

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Vim - Send tab keystroke in keymapping

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How to sort the columns with below requirement

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JavaScript syntax highlighting -- is status a keyword? -- what's it used for?

How to interleave lines from within Vim?


Why vim pasting behaves differently depending on yanking method

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What is the return value for visual block mode in vimscript?


Render space if it have multi space in Vim

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how to search and delete a series of attributs in html using vim?

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How to fold C++-style comments in Vim?


what's the syntax for telling VI to read/write a source file with soft-tabs and a specified indentation?

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Is there a way to get basic PHP error underlining in VIM?

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