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New posts in vim

How can I use registers in CtrlP?

vim ctrlp

Why are only some modeline settings being applied in Vim?

vim configuration

Vim and Tmux rendering error

Is there a way to allow \w inside character sets in vim regex?

regex vim

How to rebind Ctrl-[ in .vimrc


How to apply syntax file for vim?

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How do I prevent changing buffer when using the :bufdo command?


How can I call Vim from Python?

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git: editing a file cause ^M to appear when using git diff

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Defining the settings for the vim help file

vim configuration-files

Vim: customize tex equation highlight

vim syntax-highlighting tex

Scrolling long wrapped lines in Vim


In vim remapping, how do I "capture" and reuse "any" character?


How to edit .vimrc file to replace tab with spaces?

vim tabs yaml spaces

How to setup YouCompleteMe for kernel and device driver development?

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is there a way to exit the modeless vi without closing the window?

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Inserting text in vim causes each line to be shifted right

linux vim

How do I open previously opened buffer in Vim?

vim buffer

Vim: delete all but the current line


Vi Error while making git commit

git vim git-commit