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Properly package a Desktop Bridge UWP App with a Win32 App

UWP + .appinstaller: How to detect new version and prompt user and start the upgrade of the app?

c# uwp

Changing AppBarButton Icon

"en" vs "en-US" as default language for Windows 10 UWP (distributed worldwide)

Convert SoftwareBitmap to WriteableBitmap

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UWP reflect CombBox selected item loaded from settings through binding

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Merged ResourceDictionary initalization in UWP app

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Visual Studio 2015 cannot create Release builds for Cordova project

Windows UWP as Screensaver?

Windows UI (UWP or 8.1) in F# interactive

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Running Ionic 2 app on Windows Phone 10

Binding data into ListView through x:bind in UWP

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How to enable only landscape mode in a UWP app?

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UWP Background Task is not executing

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UWP support for opengl

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UWP / Visual Studio: How to make different builds variants?

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Limitations of remote app service background task in UWP

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Change Installation Location of UWP app from Installshield

Generic base class for Pages/Views in UWP Windows 10 App

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Alternate color for listview item UWP

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