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New posts in uninstallation

How to uninstall wxpython 2.8 on Mac OSX 10.6

Best practices for Plone control panels

If the user uninstalls your program, what do you do with the user data? [closed]

How can I correctly uninstall gems from OSX's system ruby 1.8.x while using rbenv + different ruby version?

How do you uninstall in *nix?

linux unix uninstallation

Uninstalling a python module in ubuntu

How to uninstall Android Studio if it is not visible in control panel and also uninstaller is not in the file location

ClickOnce and GAC

Completely remove Android Studio, Eclipse and all the libs/packages installed with them

How to uninstall git-for-windows & re-install in new place?

Uninstall Xcode 4.2.1 after installing 4.3.1

Hide the uninstaller in Add/Remove Programs?

Completely uninstalling both versions of Xcode

using WMI to uninstall applications remotely

Visual Studio "15" Preview uninstall

How do I update Scrapy from the Terminal?

How to read a command line parameter given to an uninstaller?

Apache 2.4 - remove | delete | uninstall

Cannot close all Google Chrome processes on Windows 10 and cannot run the browser