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New posts in uiviewcontroller

Generic Type In Objective C

preferredInterfaceOrientationForPresentation must return a supported interface orientation (iOS 6)

How to get width of the main UIView in landscape mode?

Communication from child UIViewController to parent UIViewController

View Controller being sent a message even though it has been deallocated

UIImageView not updating

Swipe to move a container view controller in from off screen

Container View made in Storyboard will not change frame programmatically

How to know current interfaceOrientation in iOS 8?

How to detect when iOS app appears in foreground, with Swift? [duplicate]

ios swift uiviewcontroller

iOS13 UIViewController isModalInPresentation has no setter in ObjectiveC so cannot be set?

ios uiviewcontroller ios13

How to pass data back from one view to other View in IOS?

iOS 7 error Warning: Attempt to dismiss from view controller <UINavigationController: 0x1568db40> while a presentation or dismiss is in progress

prepareForSegue not called in embedded segue

Change UIViewController self.view frame

iOS 6: What changed that made this View Controller Hierarchy break?

Why do I keep getting this error when going from ViewController to TableViewController?

Why Does presentModalViewController:animated: Turn The Background Black?

Set view controllers property before pushViewController

iOS Swift: UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning end frame in wrong position