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New posts in uiapplicationdelegate

iOS app applicationWillEnterForeground and it stuck for a while

how to determine in applicationDidBecomeActive whether it is the initial iPhone app launch?

Background request not execute Alamofire Swift

application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation return NO versus YES

iOS – AppDelegate as instance variable?

applicationDidEnterBackground and applicationWillEnterForeground method are not called when pressed home button in iOS simulator

Back to app button handler

Detecting when app is becoming active from lockscreen vs other on iOS7

Continue download in background

How do I access my Application Delegate's window accessor method from another object?

When use [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]

UITextView and the Mysterious Missing Space

isKindOfClass and NSStringFromClass disagree about UIApplicationDelegate

ApplicationWillTerminate NSURLSession Possible?

Local notification on application termination

ios: Accessing a navigation controller from app delegate

Where is your Application Delegate set and who initializes its window and viewController properties?

What describes the Application Delegate best? How does it fit into the whole concept?

importing AppDelegate

iOS AppDelegate equivalent in Android