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New posts in type-punning

Portable data reinterpretation

c type-punning

`std::complex<T>[n]` and `T[n*2]` type aliasing

std::bit_cast with std::array

c++ c++20 type-punning

Is it undefined behaviour to call a function with pointers to different elements of a union as arguments?

strict aliasing and memory alignment

c++ c casting type-punning

Is reinterpret_cast mostly useless?

What's a proper way of type-punning a float to an int and vice-versa?

union 'punning' structs w/ "common initial sequence": Why does C (99+), but not C++, stipulate a 'visible declaration of the union type'?

c++ c struct unions type-punning

Aliasing T* with char* is allowed. Is it also allowed the other way around?

aligned_storage and strict aliasing

What is the modern, correct way to do type punning in C++?

Fix for dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing

C# 'unsafe' function — *(float*)(&result) vs. (float)(result)

c# unsafe type-punning

Is type-punning through a union unspecified in C99, and has it become specified in C11?

c c99 unions c11 type-punning

Unions and type-punning

c++ c unions type-punning

Is it possible to write Quake's fast InvSqrt() function in Rust?

Purpose of Unions in C and C++

c++ c unions type-punning

What is the strict aliasing rule?