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New posts in type-punning

How do I reinterpret data through a different type? (type punning confusion)

Strict aliasing and std::array vs C-style array

Breaking strict aliasing and living to tell about it?

bitwise casting uint32_t to float in C/C++

Shared memory buffers in C++ without violating strict aliasing rules

C/C++ strict aliasing, object lifetime and modern compilers

C++ strict aliasing when not using pointer returned by placement new

Is the following C union access pattern undefined behavior?

Reinterpret struct with members of the same type as an array in a standard compliant way [duplicate]

Plain C polymorphism, type punning, and strict aliasing. How legal is this?

Is it safe to cast a C struct to another with fewer elements?

c struct type-punning

Generic char[] based storage and avoiding strict-aliasing related UB

Can a std::array alias a fragment of a larger array?

Type punning a struct in C and C++ via a union

Safely punning char* to double in C

c endianness type-punning

Does FBString's small string optimization rely on undefined behavior?

Could type punning signed to unsigned integers make bounds checking faster by eliminating the need for >= comparison?

Finding endian-ness programmatically at compile-time using C++11

What is type punning and what is the purpose of it?