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Breaking strict aliasing and living to tell about it?

I am trying to use two libraries, LIBSVM and LIBLINEAR in the same application that I am writing in C++11. Both LIBSVM and LIBLINEAR take their input in what is essentially a row-based sparse matrix representation: there is node structure

struct svm_node
    int index;
    double value;

and the sparse matrix itself is just struct svm_node **, where every row is a struct svm_node *, and rows are terminated by index = -1. The LIBLINEAR version of this struct is called feature_node and has identical definition. Although LIBSVM and LIBLINEAR are written by the same authors, svm.h and linear.h, and consequently struct svm_node and struct feature_node are in no way related.

There are some cases where I would like to create a kernel SVM model (implemented by LIBSVM only) and a logistic regression model (implemented by LIBLINEAR) only) of my data. The data set, which is passed to the libraries in their respective---on the binary level, identical---sparse matrix representation, may be quite large and I would prefer to avoid memcpy()ing it all. A simple reinterpret_cast<feature_node **>(svm_node_ptr_ptr_variable) seems to do the job just fine.

I am also using LLVM's full-program optimization (-flto) in release builds, so I would like to ensure no optimization breaks by code in an unpredictable manner.

Is there any way type-pun svm_node ** into feature_node ** that avoids any breakage which may be caused by (current or future) compiler optimizations? Does __attribute__((__may_alias__)) help here, and if it does, how should I use it?

If __attribute__((__may_alias__)) is only meaningful on types, would it work if I created my own struct and pointer-to-struct

struct __attribute__((__may_alias__)) SparseElement {
    int index;
    double value;
typedef SparseRow SparseElement * __attribute__((__may_alias__));

and then passed a retinterpret_casted SparseRow * to LIBSVM and LIBLINEAR?

like image 612
Kristóf Marussy Avatar asked Aug 05 '14 10:08

Kristóf Marussy

1 Answers

The LIBLINEAR version of this struct is called feature_node and has identical definition.

You're golden if you use a union. C++ specifically allows (section 9.2) accessing "a common initial subsequence".

If a standard-layout union contains two or more standard-layout structs that share a common initial sequence, and if the standard-layout union object currently contains one of these standard-layout structs, it is permitted to inspect the common initial part of any of them. Two standard-layout structs share a common initial sequence if corresponding members have layout-compatible types and either neither member is a bit-field or both are bit-fields with the same width for a sequence of one or more initial members.

Even a reinterpret_cast on the pointer should work fine, since the type that undergoes lvalue to rvalue conversion is the exact type of the object that exists in memory there.

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Ben Voigt Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Ben Voigt