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What is type punning and what is the purpose of it?

Type punning

A form of pointer aliasing where two pointers and refer to the same location in memory but represent that location as different types. The compiler will treat both "puns" as unrelated pointers. Type punning has the potential to cause dependency problems for any data accessed through both pointers.

What is this article trying to say? What happens if I use it or not use it?

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Dipok Dipu Avatar asked May 23 '17 14:05

Dipok Dipu

People also ask

What is type punning in C++?

Type Punning In a systems language like C++ you often want to interpret a value of type A as a value of type B where A and B are completely unrelated types. This is called type punning.

Is type punning safe?

The only safe manner of using type punning is with unsigned char or well unsigned char arrays (because we know that members of array objects are strictly contiguous and there is not any padding bytes when their size is computed with sizeof() ).

What is the strict aliasing rule?

The strict aliasing rule dictates that pointers are assumed not to alias if they point to fundamentally different types, except for char* and void* which can alias to any other data type.

What is pointer aliasing?

Pointer aliasing is a hidden kind of data dependency that can occur in C, C++, or any other language that uses pointers for array addresses in arithmetic operations. Array data identified by pointers in C can overlap, because the C language puts very few restrictions on pointers.

1 Answers

As it says, type punning is when you have two pointers of different type, both pointing at the same location. Example:

uint32_t data;
uint32_t* u32 = &data;
uint16_t* u16 = (uint16_t*)&data; // undefined behavior

This code invokes undefined behavior in C++ (and C) since you aren't allowed to access the same memory location through pointers of non-compatible types (with a few special exceptions). This is informally called a "strict aliasing violation" since it violates the strict aliasing rule.

Another way of doing type punning is through unions:

typedef union
  uint32_t u32;
  uint16_t u16 [2];
} my_type;

my_type mt;
mt.u32 = 1;
std::cout << mt.u16[0]; // access union data through another member, undefined behavior

This is also undefined behavior in C++ (but allowed and perfectly fine in C).

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Lundin Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 03:10
