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New posts in type-inference

How to infer coercions?

reference collapsing for local variables

Scala - Lower bound inference in path-dependent types

Is there any deeper type-theoretic reason GHC can't infer this type? [duplicate]

haskell type-inference

Java 8: generic type inference fails on method reference?

Lambda type inference infers an exception type not thrown by the lambda

Java generics - Don't allow subclasses

Scala type inference breaking down in obvious setting?

scala type-inference

Explicitly polymorphic annotation in nested context

D function templates and type inference

How to write generic factory method in swift?

Type inference and pattern maching in Scala

TypeScript type inference issue

What if function application was a typeclass?

haskell type-inference

Unifying len and S len would lead to infinite value

How does Java handle ambiguous type inference for generics?

Why can't I use Stream#toList to collect a list of a class' interface in Java 16?

Finding out which metas are unsolved in an Agda program

Understanding F# Value Restriction Errors

Inferred type appears to detect an infinite loop, but what's really happening?