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New posts in scala-3

Type inference changes in Scala 3

Run Scala Dotty project using Intellij IDE

How does the @main annotation in Scala 3 w​ork?

Scala / Dotty - Mix a trait into an EXISTING object

How to execute dotty code from Visual Studio Code UI

How to create an instance of a generic type in a Scala 3 macro?

How to ensure tuple is homogenous?

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How to ask Scala if evidence exists for all instantiations of type parameter?

Cannot add package description in ScalaDoc (Scala 3)

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Why fill array in while loop is so slow in Scala 3?

Scala 3 implicit conversions: compare value and literal

How to Random Choice element from Enum Scala3

Difference between Scala 2 implicits and Scala 3 given/using

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Unresolved dependency org.scala-lang:scala3-library_3.0.0:3.0

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How to run Scala 3 applications in the command line with Coursier

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How to use akka in Scala 3?

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