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New posts in type-alias

How to initialize empty map that has been type aliased

Why can't I use alias from a base class in a derived class with templates?

c++ templates c++11 type-alias

Type alias for auto

c++ auto type-alias

generic type alias, which are incompatible to each other

Scala package objects with trait providing type/value aliases

Can I alias fully qualified syntax?

syntax rust type-alias

Xcode 10 Generics typealias Segmentation Fault 11 while archiving

Does conversion between alias types in Go create copies?

Swift typealias for enum case

Why do gcc and clang generate different symbol names for an instantiation of a function template?

Implement trait for closure type alias

Is it possible to create a type alias that has trait bounds on a generic type for a function?

Scala: Enforce compile error on type alias mismatch

scala settings type-alias

Type alias vs type definition in Go

go type-alias

Scala type alias including companion object [beginner]

Kotlin `typealias` feature

keyword kotlin type-alias

Is generating unique ID from template template parameters UB?

Most performant way to achieve type safety on primitive types in Java?

How should Kotlin function typealises be documented?

kotlin type-alias kdoc