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New posts in tidyr

Splitting rows with uneven string length into columns in R using tidyr [duplicate]

regex r string tidyr

accessing nested lists in R

r tidyr purrr

Split camelCase Column names

regex r dplyr tidyr

transform polygon json coordinates into a data.frame

json r dataframe dplyr tidyr

multiple separate arguments in 'tidyr's separate function

r dplyr tidyr

Converting data from wide to long format when id variables are encoded in column header [duplicate]

r tidyr reshape2

Why does complete() create duplicate rows in my data?

r tidyr

How can I keep pivot_wider() from dropping factor levels in names?

r tidyr

How to use the spread function properly in tidyr

r dplyr tidyr spread

Create long data format based on strings of sequences defined by colons and concatenated vectors

Correlation Matrix - tidyr gather v. reshape2 melt

r matrix ggplot2 tidyr reshape2

Separate a shopping list into multiple columns

r tidyr

Melt a dataframe by pattern in colnames

r dataframe dplyr reshape2 tidyr

Use put two value columns in spread() function in R [duplicate]

r reshape2 tidyr

how to compute rowsums using tidyverse

r dplyr tidyr tidyverse purrr

Combine Multiple Columns Into Tidy Data [duplicate]

r dplyr tidyr

less clunky reshaping of anscombe data

Unlisting columns by groups

r dplyr reshape2 tidyr

What is causing tidyr warning message: "attributes are not identical across measure variables"

r tidyr tidyverse

exclusions with '-' when using string versions (underscore suffix such as gather_()) of dplyr/tidyr functions

r dplyr tidyr