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New posts in tidyr

In tidyr, what criteria does the function `gather` use to map a dataframe from wide to long?

r dataframe reshape2 tidyr

Grouping linked unique ID pairs using R [duplicate]

r dplyr tidyr

gather with multiple keys [duplicate]

r transpose tidyr

Unnest one column list to many columns in tidyr

r tidyr

tidyr - unique way to get combinations (using tidyverse only)

r tidyr tidyverse

Preserve order of input variables and factor levels in summary table, using dplyr tidyr

r dplyr tidyr

Complete column with group_by and complete

r dplyr tidyr

Tidyr how to spread into count of occurrence [duplicate]

r count pivot reshape2 tidyr

How do I remove NAs with the tidyr::unite function?

r tidyr

Using Tidyr/Dplyr to summarise counts of groups of strings

r dplyr tidyr

Pivoting data with varying width from wide to long with flexible call (to be used in loop)

r time-series tidyverse tidyr

How to use tidyr (or similar data wrangling) on "big" data in postgreSQL (Redshift) database

Unnest one of several list columns in dataframe

r tidyr

How to cast data from long to wide format in H2O?

Combining multiple columns in one R [duplicate]

r dplyr tidyr

Combining column values with column names using tidyr unite

r tidyr tibble

Standardize variables using dplyr [r]

r dplyr tidyverse tidyr

gather_ does not work. Shouldn't quoting and ~ing have the same effect in standard evaluation mode?

r dplyr tidyr

Efficient way to add numbers to alphanumeric strings in R

r string tidyr stringr