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New posts in textures

glGenTextures Returning Existing Texture Name

Cocos2d v3 repeat texture

Does Three.js support OES_texture_float?

What does OpenGL Bindless Texture function glMakeTextureHandleNonResident ACTUALLY do?

c++ opengl textures opengl-4

(Py)SDL2: Drawing a textured polygon

2D Diamond (isometric) map editor - Textures extended infinitely?

c++ 2d textures sfml isometric

Mapping texture to 3D objects in a batch process on the server

OpenGL - Rendering into a Texture

c++ opengl buffer textures

How do I repeat sprite horizontally ?

Libgdx texture region to texture

java textures libgdx

How to modify the size of a WebCamTexture?

c# unity3d textures webcam

ThreeJS Loading a Texuture from a raw javascript ArrayBuffer

OpenGL fast texture drawing with vertex buffer objects. Is this the way to do it?

c++ opengl graphics textures vbo

OpenGL vers >=2.0 requires texture dimensions to be multiples of 4 pixels?

problems about texture coordinate in Obj format

Texture lookup into rendered FBO is off by half a pixel

opengl glsl textures shader

Scrolling parallax background, infinitely repeated in libgdx

Transparent textures behaviour in WebGL

transparency textures webgl

Multiple textures in GLSL - only one works

opengl textures glsl

iOS4: how do I use video file as an OpenGL texture?

ios video opengl-es textures