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(Py)SDL2: Drawing a textured polygon

PySDL2 version: 0.9.3
SDL2 version: 2.0.3

I am trying to render this image as a texture on a polygon in PySDL2 using sdl_gfx

enter image description here

but its display is completely distorted, as can be seen at the bottom-right corner in the SDL window:

enter image description here

I have this python program in which I test all sdlgfx drawing functions that I implemented in a FrameBuffer class that takes care of the drawing and rendering. They all work well, except for an anti-aliased polygon (the middle green hexagon, but that is another question for another time) and the textured polygon.

To provide a more basic script, I followed these steps to draw a textured polygon:

# Initialize SDL2 and window
import sdl2
import sdl2.ext
import sdl2.sdlgfx
import ctypes
window = sdl2.ext.Window(size=(800,600))

# Create renderer and factories
renderer = sdl2.ext.Renderer(window)
# Create sprite factory to create textures with later
texture_factory = sdl2.ext.SpriteFactory(renderer=renderer)
# Create sprite factory to create surfaces with later
surface_factory = sdl2.ext.SpriteFactory(sdl2.ext.SOFTWARE)

# Determine path to image to use as texture
RESOURCES = sdl2.ext.Resources(__file__, "LSD/resources")
image_path = RESOURCES.get_path("Memory.jpeg")

# set polygon coordinates
x = 100
row4 = 470
vx = [x, x+200, x+200, x]
vy = [row4-50, row4-50, row4+50, row4+50]

# Calculate the length of the vectors (which should be the same for x and y)
n = len(vx) 
# Make sure all coordinates are integers
vx = map(int,vx)
vy = map(int,vy)
# Cast the list to the appropriate ctypes vectors reabable by
# the sdlgfx polygon functions
vx = ctypes.cast((sdl2.Sint16*n)(*vx), ctypes.POINTER(sdl2.Sint16))
vy = ctypes.cast((sdl2.Sint16*n)(*vy), ctypes.POINTER(sdl2.Sint16))

# Load the image on an SoftwareSprite
# The underlying surface is available at SoftwareSprite.surface
texture = surface_factory.from_image(image_path)

sdl2.sdlgfx.texturedPolygon(renderer.renderer, vx, vy, n,\
texture.surface, 0, 0)

# Swap buffers

# Handle window close events
processor = sdl2.ext.TestEventProcessor()


This above example script just outputs:

enter image description here

I find it all quite daunting to work with SDL2 with the ctype conversions and all, and I'm quite happy I got this far, but I don't seem to manage to solve this one on my own. Does anybody know at which step I am making a mistake or can anyone point me in the right direction?

Just as a sidenote, I know PySDL has factory functions for rendering images, and those work very well, but I really want to get the texturing option of polygons working too.

like image 660
Daniel Schreij Avatar asked Oct 20 '22 12:10

Daniel Schreij

1 Answers

I found out that this is just a bug in the underlying sdl2_gfx library at C/DLL level. The homebrew version of sdl2_gfx is 1.0.0 while version 1.0.1 (jun 15 2014) is already released. I tested it on Windows and Ubuntu on which I had sdl2_gfx 1.0.1 available and the textured polygon is drawn correctly (although the usage of the offset parameters are still a bit shady to me).

Bottom line: Don't use sdl2_gfx 1.0.0 if you want to use textured polygons, as it is just not functioning there. Try to get your hands on v1.0.1.

like image 77
Daniel Schreij Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 02:10

Daniel Schreij