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XAML - Center alignment of textblock after rotation

How to set textblock or label with resizable font size in WPF?

wpf resize label textblock

WPF XAML show ellipsis if text does not fit in TextBlock

wpf xaml textblock ellipsis

WPF TextBlock: How to evenly space displayed characters?

wpf textblock

Add textblock to ellipse in WPF

How can I change the Foreground color of a TextBlock with a Trigger?

TextBlock: Binding of Text and StringFormat

WPF XAML TextBlock Send Content to New Line

WPF DataGridCell Template with TextBlock - Binding?

Can you limit the length of Text visible in a WPF TextBlock?

wpf truncate textblock

How do I Bind a WPF Ellipse's Height to its own Width?

c# wpf binding textblock ellipse

In WPF how to change a DataTemplate's Textblock's text binding in code?

TextBlock TextWrapping not wrapping #2

wpf xaml textblock word-wrap

Text that follows / clips to a shape?

c# wpf text textbox textblock

Bug or Feature in TextBlock in Silverlight 4?

silverlight-4.0 textblock

WPF TextBlock get lines after textwrapping

WPF - How to right align a textblock inside a horizontally oriented stackpanel?

WPF TextBlock Color for each Character

wpf colors textblock

Get Displayed Text from TextBlock

Xaml TextBlock set round corner