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Setting today's date in XAML

xaml date textblock

WPF C# - Get inline formated bold Text from TextBlock

c# wpf visual-studio textblock

TextBlock Text property can't be set via style trigger if non-empty - why?

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Apply a style to TextBlocks within a ContentPresenter in Silverlight

I'm using a WPF TextBlock but then text gets cut off when it's too long. Is there an AutoScroll feature?

c# wpf textblock

WP7 TextBlock inside a ListBox not wrapping text

Programmatically determining max fit in textbox (WP7)

Unable to get vertical scroll bars in an WPF TextBlock

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Highlight Search TextBlock

Text stretch in WPF TextBlock

wpf text formatting textblock

How to horizontally center an inline (Run) comparing to other inlines in WPF

c# wpf xaml textblock

How to get text fit in text block in WPF

c# wpf wpf-controls textblock

WPF Bind TextBlock to Window's Title

WPF Text block gray out text

wpf textblock

WPF: power in xaml

How can I have a WPF TextBlock that has the same size for all font weights?

wpf textblock

WPF: how to write text in a different direction?

wpf xaml textblock

WPF - How do I default the Visibility of a databound Textblock?