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Do you use XeTeX or pdfTeX? [closed]

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How to write below/above the text in LaTeX?

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How do you make parentheses match height when they're split between lines in LaTeX math?

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TeX on iPad compatible with Apple's policy?

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LaTeX renderer for .NET?

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Spell check for latex file in Atom

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Best method of including an abstract in a latex 'book'?

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How to I get scons to invoke an external script?

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Source code of books made with TeX/LaTeX to learn [closed]

matplotlib make axis ticks label for dates bold

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how to insert pipe symbol in TeX?

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Is there a TeX API for C++?

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LaTeX: Multiple authors in a two-column article

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TeX rendering, curly braces, and string formatting syntax in matplotlib

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How to put a newline into a column header in an xtable in R

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How can I combine cells in a row in a latex-table?

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LaTex - how to create boxes with fixed heights and widths, with enclosed text that is vertically and horizontally aligned?

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R Markdown Math Equation Alignment

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What are the relative merits of pdflatex?

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vim spell checking - comments only in LaTeX files

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