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R Markdown Math Equation Alignment

I am writing a bunch of math equations in R Markdown inside Rstudio. And I want to align the content either to the left or center. However, seems like the align will align them to the right as default.

enter image description here

I did some google and some of them told me to use a package called ragged2e, but it did not work when I added it in. I am wondering if this should be a latex question or rmarkdown question.

like image 949
B.Mr.W. Avatar asked Nov 22 '14 18:11


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2 Answers

I'm not quite sure what you're going for here, but line breaks, \\ go at the end of tthe line, not the beginning, and the aligmnent operator is &. So this:

$$ \begin{aligned}  AR(p): Y_i &= c + \epsilon_i + \phi_i Y_{i-1} \dots \\  Y_{i} &= c + \phi_i Y_{i-1} \dots \end{aligned} $$ 

produces this:

like image 102
jlhoward Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 07:09


left align the formula

$\begin{aligned} AR(p): Y_i &= c + \epsilon_i + \phi_i Y_{i-1} \dots \\ Y_{i} &= c + \phi_i Y_{i-1} \dots \end{aligned}$ 

&...& show in the line ; $$...$$ display out;

like image 22
atongsa Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 07:09
