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New posts in terminology

Difference between "defining" and "declaring" [duplicate]

What is voluntary preemption?

What is the difference between a tree and a directory?

git terminology

What does React.render return ? Component Instance or Component class?

reactjs terminology

What does the universe mean?

Is there a name for this syntax getSomeValues()[0]?

Difference between shared memory and pipe in unix?

unix terminology

Is there an accepted name for this type of enumerable operation?

Is "modulo" a verb? If so, how is it conjugated?

terminology modulo

Term for releasing software with time dependent portions still unfinished


Is there a term to describe all non-root nodes in a tree?

graph terminology

When or where was the term "Most vexing parse" coined?

c++ terminology

Software Engineering Terminology - What does "Inconsistency" and "Incompleteness" really mean [closed]

terminology methodology

Why do people talk about DI frameworks "instantiating an object graph" rather than "instantiating objects"?

Model driven development vs model driven architecture vs model driven engineering

terminology methodology

Haskell monad: etymology versus meaning? [closed]

haskell terminology monads

Is this Prolog terminology correct? (fact, rule, procedure, predicate, ...)

Covariance vs. contravariance with respect to class inheritance

Linear Linked List - valid/common terminology?

What are function epilogues and prologues?