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New posts in terminology

Is 'c' said to be a character or a string in Ruby - or both?

<**> is a variant of <*> with the arguments reversed. What does "reversed" mean?

What is the name of this anti-pattern?

Is the "caller" in Java the same as the "receiver" in Ruby?

java ruby terminology

best-first Vs. breadth-first

Learning by example - terminology (?, :, etc)

difference between forwarding and redirection [duplicate]

java servlets terminology

Are "65k" and "65KB" the same?

What is the Overriding Principle on Naming Conventions in PEP 8?

python terminology pep8

Is there a dictionary about common programming vocabulary?

Terminology when Initializing C Structures

What is the generic term for database tables, views, functions, and stored procedures?

database terminology

URL parts canonical terminology

url terminology

Terminology for relationships defined by interfaces

Why do I sometimes hear the term "lexical variable?"

@Model annotation and MVC

java terminology java-ee-6 cdi

Common term for hostname and IP address?

http uri terminology

Confused on Cassandra terminology (row vs partition)

cassandra row terminology