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New posts in template-engine

Node.js without a template engine

Jinja2 translation of links

Can't override extended twig template block to empty

can velocity ignore newlines and whitespaces?

Escape `@` in yesod templates

How can I iterate over the terms in a taxonomy outside the list.html using Zola?

rust template-engine zola tera

Apache Velocity Quiet Reference Notation as default behaviour

Is it there a Ruby equivalent of Java's Wicket?

Looking for a template engine which can be used in Java and JavaScript [closed]

Stringtemplate low performance in comparison to Velocity and Mvel

Scala using JSON and/or XML templates

Hakyll generates weird HTML - can anybody explain reason?

erlang template engine. sgte, google-cTemplate, or erlydtl

erlang template-engine

Where can I download full example java project that uses stringtemplate?

Play! framework: define a variable in template? [duplicate]

Why would I need template engines like Jade or EJS on the backend?

How to round a value in Twig

twig template-engine