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New posts in template-engine

Using SimpleTemplate in Bottle

template-engine bottle

webpack html (ejs) include other templates

Using Cheetah Templating system with windows and python 2.6.1 (namemapper problem)

Something like Smarty in ASP.NET?

Handlebars nested objects

Disable $sce service drawbacks

Add custom tokens in Jinja2 (e.g. %% somevar %%)

what replaces register_modifier in Smarty 3

php smarty template-engine

Syntax Error with John Resig's Micro Templating after changing template tags <# {% {{ etc

How do I change template engine in Play Framework?

playframework 1.2. insert raw html into template?

ejs include doesn't work with subfolders

How can I handle NameError and AttributeError gracefully in the Mako runtime environment?

Print variables inside jade file

Hamlet automatic access to variables in scope

How do I add Thymeleaf SpringSecurityDialect to spring boot

comparing length of dictionary in jinja flask template

Any lightweight templating solutions in Java with support for conditional formatting?

Velocity and $foreach.count

When to use PHP template engines [closed]