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New posts in html-webpack-plugin

html-webpack-plugin and webpack 2: no starting slash '/'

HTML webpack plugin not parsing EJS variables

A clean way to loop HTMLWebpackPlugin with Webpack?

Pass .json file from html-webpack-plugin to handlebars template

How can I use multiple entries in Webpack alongside multiple HTML files in HtmlWebpackPlugin?

webpack-dev-server 404 & how to set it up correctly?

Html-Webpack-Plugin Template: Module build failed: SyntaxError: Unexpected token

Webpack: include html partial inside another partial?

webpack html (ejs) include other templates

Passing an object to an ejs loader, using html-webpack-plugin

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in dist/index.html

HtmlWebpackPlugin order of included bundle files

Using nunjucks with htmlWebpackPlugin using dynamic vars in the template